Photo: skynesher / E+ / Getty Images
MANSFIELD, Ohio (September 27, 2023) The Ohio State University at Mansfield increased enrollment in the Autumn 2023 semester for the first time since 2018, with a significant increase to new first-year students.
The Mansfield campus welcomed a new first-year class of 343 students, which is a 15.1% increase from last fall.
Interim Dean and Director, Dr. Eric Anderman, said “We are excited to see growth at Ohio State Mansfield and are incredibly proud of our innovative efforts to see an increased enrollment when so many institutions across the country are not growing. We have added academic programs based on the needs of our region like Engineering Technology, expanded financial aid opportunities, and continue to guarantee admission for all Ohio high school graduates.”
Overall enrollment at the Mansfield campus increased by 2.5% for a total of 849 students. 343 students, or 40.3% of all enrolled students, are from Richland County, while 349, 41.1% of students, are from a non-contiguous county. Other than Richland County, Cuyahoga County represents the highest number of Mansfield campus students. The campus also increased diversity among enrolled students, with 24% of students self-identifying as a person of color.
Director of Enrollment Services, Jennifer Fry, explained, “We have made the application process smoother with a revised application and we have also focused on emphasizing financial aid opportunities. We offer need and merit-based scholarships as well as the Buckeye Opportunity Program, which fully covers tuition costs for all Pell grant-eligible students with no other requirements when they apply and complete the FAFSA by February 15.”
In addition to increased enrollment, Ohio State Mansfield also increased retention rates from 72.2% in 2022 to 73.8% in 2023. Retention is the rate in which a student will remain enrolled at Ohio State year-to-year.
Fry added, “If students and families have questions about Ohio State Mansfield, or would like to explore the campus they should consider attending one of our Campus Visit Days on October 27th and November 17th or schedule an admissions overview with our team.”