Bob Hauer

Bob Hauer

Dad. Radio personality. Unapologetic shenanigator.Biografía completa


HauerTo: 5 Hacks to Get The Kids Ready for School Without Losing Your Mind

Mornings can be a battleground when it comes to getting the kids ready for school. But fear not, fellow parents! I've got five foolproof hacks to turn your chaotic mornings into a (semi) well-oiled machine. So, grab your coffee, and let's dive in.

1. Outfit Negotiations: The Night Before Showdown

Ever had a child stare at their closet like it's a portal to another dimension? Yeah, me too. Save the morning arguments and turn the outfit decision into a pre-bedtime event. Let them pick out their clothes the night before, and everyone wins. If they want to wear a superhero cape to school? Fine. As long as they don’t forget pants.

2. Breakfast Buffet: The DIY Cereal Station

Breakfast doesn't have to be a three-course meal—unless you're a contestant on "MasterChef: Kids Edition." Set up a DIY cereal station within their reach, complete with bowls, spoons, and a few cereal options. Add a mini milk pitcher, and boom! They’re serving themselves while you sip your coffee like the breakfast boss you are.

3. Backpack Black Hole Prevention: The Homework Hangout

We’ve all seen it—homework magically disappearing into the depths of a backpack, only to resurface crumpled and covered in mystery stains. Designate a special spot by the door where homework, permission slips, and any other vital documents live. Call it the "Homework Hangout" and watch your mornings transform from panic mode to a breezy stroll out the door. (Okay, maybe not a stroll, but at least less frantic.)

4. Alarm Clock Double Team: The Fun and the Furious

Getting kids out of bed can feel like waking a hibernating bear. Invest in a dual alarm clock setup: one gentle wake-up alarm with a soothing tone and a backup "Get Out of Bed NOW" alarm that could wake the neighbors. The trick? Set the second one 5 minutes after the first. They’ll learn pretty quickly that ignoring the first one has noisy consequences.

5. Shoes by the Door: The One-Step Wonder

The great shoe hunt is a classic morning time-waster. Keep a small shoe rack or basket by the door where all school shoes live. No more frantic searches under the couch, in the toy box, or (somehow) in the refrigerator. Bonus tip: Make it a rule that as soon as the shoes come off after school, they go straight to the rack. Consistency is key, and less shouting, “Where’s your other shoe?” means more time for you to savor that sweet morning silence.

There you have it, five life hacks to help you reclaim your mornings and get the kids out the door with minimal fuss. Now, go forth and conquer those early hours like the pro you are—and maybe even make it to school drop-off before the bell rings. But no promises on that last one.

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