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When a California boy’s bicycle is stolen on his birthday, the community rallies to buy him a new one. On January 12th, Jackson Pabonstandish turned nine-years-old and woke up that morning to take a spin around his Lancaster, California, neighborhood on his bike. But when he went to get on his bike, it was nowhere to be found. "We went out back and looked and - nothing," says Jackson’s mom Kendra Pabon.
Unfortunately, buying a replacement bike wasn’t in the budget for the large family, so Kendra had to break the bad news to the birthday boy. But instead of being upset, Jackson was more concerned that someone else might have their bike stolen, so he wanted to let Big Rich know what had happened. Big Rich is local social media news gatherer Richard Monge who runs the Facebook page AV News Crew, which covers happenings in the Antelope Valley.
When Monge heard what had happened to Jackson on his birthday, it touched his heart, so he put out the word trying to get help getting him a new bicycle. He even chipped in a few bucks himself, but he says he was moved to tears when three other people stepped up and contributed. Jackson got his new bike as a late birthday present and his mom is grateful for everyone who helped, especially Big Rich. "Big Rich does a lot for our community. He's always out helping everybody in need, " she says. "It's important that Jackson got his bike but it's more important to us that Richard gets the recognition."
Source: ABC 7